Saints Discussed In the Book


Acacius Blaise Francis of Assisi John the Evangelist - young Paul
Agatha Bruno Francis Xavier Jude Peter
Agnes Catherine of Alexandria Gabriel Lawrence Peter Martyr
Alexis Catherine of Siena Genevieve Louis IX Philip
Ambrose Cecilia George Lucy Raphael
Andrew Charles Borromeo Giles Luke Roche
Anne Christopher Gregory Margaret of Antioch Sebastian
Anthony Abbot Clare Helen Mark Simon
Anthony Padua Cosmas and Damian Ignatius Loyola Martha Stephen
Apollonia Denis James the Greater Martin of Tours Teresa of Avila
Augustine of Hippo Dorothy James the Lesser Mary of Egypt Thomas the Apostle
Barbara Dominic Guzman Jerome Mary Magdalene Thomas Aquinas
Barnabas Elizabeth Joan of Arc Matthew Uriel
Bartholomew Erasmus John the Baptist Michael Ursula
Benedict Eulalia John Chrysostom Nicholas Veronica
Bernard of Clairvaux Florian John the Evangelist - old Patrick Wilgefortis



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